VISION Congress Papers Vetted, Selected
From a total of more than 70 abstracts, 33 have been selected by the Scientific Committee comprising the world’s main experts in crash research, lighting systems, and driver assistance systems.
June 1: Deadline for SAE ’09 Paper Abstracts
The 2009 SAE World Congress will be held in Detroit from April 20 to April 23, 2009. Authors are invited to submit abstracts of 200-300 words — including the title and author’s contact information
Intelligent Transport Lighting Congress a Success
The Intelligent Transport Lighting Congress took place in Frankfurt from the 28th to 31st January 2008.
Auto World Briefing to Emphasise Safe Tech, Design
This Automotive World Briefing on May 14, 2008 will provide a timely opportunity for automotive industry to gain a valuable insight into current and future advances within vehicle technology. The main speakers include:
Lighting Innovations Presented at SAE Show
The Society of Automotive Engineers’ International Congress was held in Detroit on April 14 to April 17. There were three lighting-related presentation sessions and one driver assistance session.
VISION Congress Gearing Up for Enlightenment
In response to a call for papers launched worldwide, the VISION congress Organization Committee received more than 70 abstracts from experts in accident
“Intelligent Automotive Lighting” congress January 28-31
Till 2015 innovative lighting functions will provide a wide range of benefits for the automotive, aircraft, aerospace, marine and rail industry.