The general terms of use of the websites operated by the Driving Vision News are included in the “Conditions of use” section of each site.
Each subscription offer is defined in detail concerning:
– Parties for whom the offer is exclusively reserved.
Gold members: persons mentioned on the subscription offer and corresponding invoice
Platinium members: up to 25 persons belonging to subscribing company or its legal branches. (Platinium fees differ depending size of geographical coverage: one, two or all of following areas:Europe, Asia, Americas)
– Content,
– Period of subscription,
– Price excluding Value Added Tax.
In the case of promotional offers, the following information will also be given:
– Period of validity of the special offer,
For Workshops or conferences organized by Driving Vision News, attendance fees as specified in the Workshop or conference litterature are nominal and specific to the person(s) and company mentioned on the invoice. These invoices specify detail of services covered. If booking of an exhibition area is included, Driving Vison News will only provide the exhibition surface and access to power plugs without any specific booth structure, except tables, chairs and table clothes.
1.1 – The subscription prices are indicated exclusive of all taxes unless otherwise indicated. The VAT tax in France is 20%. Other European Union subscriptors, provided they communicate their European Union VAT Number, will be invoiced without VAT. Subscriptors from outside the European Union don’t pay any VAT .
1.2 – All orders from any geographic zone are payable in euros except otherwise indiquated on DVN invoices.
1.3 –The subscription rates are those in effect on the date of subscription. Any subsequent modification of the subscription rates has no effect on the subscription in progress.
Unless proven otherwise, the data recorded by Driving Vision News constitute proof of all transactions occurring between Driving Vision News and its clientele.
Our offers of subscription and their prices are valid as long as they are visible on the website.
Users of the site can choose from among several modes of payment for their subscription: – Electronic payment (credit card),
– Payment upon reception of a proforma invoice with Bank transfer
– Payment by Check (Only for French customers)
Subscribers will be sent an electronic invoice by mail as soon as payment is remitted to Driving Vision News
There is no automatic renewal process.
Before the date of termination of the subscription, DVN will ask if Subscriber wants to renew his DVN membership for a new period of 12 months. Subscriber will then be free to decide if he wants to renew or not.
Our website is protected by a security system. We have adopted the SSL encryption process, but we have also reinforced all encryption processes in order to protect all sensitive data concerning modes of payment as effectively as possible.
All content of the website, including texts, still or animated images, iconography and audio content, is the exclusive property of Driving Vision News. All reproduction, copying or representation in whole or in part is expressly forbidden without the prior written approval of Driving Vision News. All infractions of these stipulations constitute a violation of the laws and regulations on copyrights and can result in legal action, civil and/or penal.
ARTICLE 8 – WITHDRAWAL of an Exhibitor-Sponsor
Any cancellation by the Exhibitor-Sponsor from a Driving Vision News workshop must be notified to Driving Vision News in writing. In the event of total or partial cancellation (surface reduction), by the Exhibitor-Sponsor, of its participation in the Driving Vision News workshop, whatever the date and whatever the cause, the Exhibitor-Sponsor remains entirely responsible for the price of his participation. Thus, the sums already paid for stand rental and the sums remaining should, where appropriate, become immediately due to Driving Vision News, even if the stand is moved to another Exhibitor-Sponsor .
ARTICLE 9 – CANCELLATION of the Workshop by Driving Vision News
In the event of cancellation of the Workshop by Driving Vision News, the Exhibitors-Sponsors will be informed without delay. In such a case, there will be no damages and the sums collected by Driving Vision News will be returned to the Exhibitor-Sponsor or Driving Vision News will send a credit note to be used for another Workshop upon request.
Driving Vision News draws up the plan of the show and determines the locations of each of the Exhibitor-Sponsor. Driving Vision News may modify the plan if it deems it useful. The exhibitor may not claim any compensation following a modification of the location of the stand in the Exhibition room.
The products offered on the website are compliant with current French laws and standards. Driving Vision News cannot be held responsible in the case of failure to comply with legislation of the country where the product is delivered. It is your responsibility to verify with local authorities the possibilities for the importing and use of any products and services that you might wish to order. In case of manifest error between the characteristics of the product and its representation and/or the terms of sale, Driving Vision News cannot be held responsible.
For DVN workshop exhibitions, Driving Vision News cannot be held responsible for consequences of failure, destruction, theft, fire or accidents due to the presence of customers’ equipments. Exhibitors have to make sure their insurances cover those risks. Driving Vision News can be held responsible only for providing
The present contract is subject to French law. French courts have sole jurisdiction. In case of litigation with professionals and/or retailers or wholesalers, the courts of Paris, France, have jurisdiction.
In compliance with the French law of 6 January 1978 on information technology and civil liberties, you have the right to access and rectify any of your personal data on this website. If you wish to exercise this right, please contact Driving Vision News by post indicating your last name, first name, e-mail, and postal address at one of the following addresses : 116 Rue Jules Guesde, 92300 Levallois-Perret, France. The information and data concerning you is needed for the transmission of newsletters and for our commercial relations. Through the intermediary of Driving Vision News, you might receive proposals from other partner companies or associations. If you do not wish to receive such proposals, please notify us by Email or by post. Our website is also conceived to be particularly attentive to the needs of our clientele. This is one of the reasons why we use cookies. The purpose of the cookies is to indicate your presence on our site. They are used by Driving Vision News solely for the purpose of improving the personalized service that we think you desire and deserve.