To date, DVN has published 64 reports focused on automotive lighting and driver assistance. These include detailed profiles of automakers and suppliers; in-depth function, technology, and technique reports, and focused coverage of motor shows, technical congresses, and DVN workshops. Now we’re gearing up for 2013. Here’s our preliminary docket for DVN reports in 2013. We ask you, the DVN subscriber, to please scrutinise this list and send us your thoughts . We are listening, so please tell us your reactions, requests, and suggestions:
January: Lighting and Driver Assistance
This report will be published before the DVN workshop in US in order to clarify how ADAS can improve lighting.
February: DVN US Workshop
The report will summarise all the lectures, the panel discussions, the round tables and the demonstrations of this substantial event..
March: North America International Auto show (NAIAS)
As usual, DVN will publish a report about the most important auto show in America. We will see the latest models with a detailed presentation of their lighting systems.
April: Geneva Auto Show
Geneva Auto Show is the greatest in the world for concept cars and new styling trends.
May: Lighting players in China
As with the DVN US workshop, DVN will publish a report in order to introduce attendees to the Chinese auto market. This report will present all the lighting players in China.