Valeo Lighting Systems’ Marketing Director Benoist Fleury and Driving Vision News’ General Editor Hector Fratty gave two lectures on 5 September at the Société des Ingénieurs Arts et Métiers. The rubric was “Technologies, Past, Present, and Future in Car Lighting – Forecasted Take Rate”.
Fleury: Replacement of Halogen by LED From 2014
Here are the main points presented by Benoist Fleury, Valeo Lighting Systems’ Marketing Director:
– There are evidence that Lighting is strongly linked to safety (limited lighting range in low beam means 4 times more risk to hit a pedestrian at night).
– Time is incredibly accelerating in lighting: OEMs need to rely on high-tech lighting systems suppliers.
– Total savings with LEDs vs halogen could reach 2g CO 2 /km from 2013 (average emission profile).
Results of different independent surveys and studies
– Prospective new car buyers are clearly attracted by brands perceived as innovative
– Around 25% of the appearance of a new car model is affected by the lighting systems
– Night driving is the most challenging situation whatever the age
– 56% of customers are interested in LED low beam headlamps (the 5 th in a list of 30 features) and 52% in glare free high beam (the 8 th )
– Advanced lighting technologies raise the attractiveness of a model but consumers expect them to be serial equipment.