By Geoff Draper, GTB President, Special to Driving Vision News
GRE, the UNECE Working Party on Lighting and Light-Signalling, held its 80th session in Geneva this past 23-26 October with a very full agenda. Among the items discussed was a proposal from GTB on possible requirements for autonomous vehicles to signal their presence and their intentions to other road users. GTB argued that it is time for the UNECE World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations (WP.29) to determine whether there is a need to develop one set of global technical requirements to ensure that unnecessary regulatory hurdles and unharmonised solutions do not proliferate.
Last 27 February, GTB held a forum in The Hague, Netherlands, on ADS lighting and vehicle communication. This comprised presentations from the Technical University of Darmstadt and a session of the GTB focus group on ADS Lighting, established to provide an overview of separate activities currently underway in Asia, Europe, and North America as a first step toward a GTB decision to begin work on understanding how to support the regulators to develop globally harmonised specifications.