Following successful, capacity-crowd past DVN Workshops in Germany, France, the USA, Japan, China, Korea, and India, the 13th DVN Workshop will take place in Tokyo, Japan this coming 18-19 May.
The rubric for the workshop is “Green Cutting Edge Lighting Technologies”, and the event is gearing up to be another new high-water mark in the series. We’re anticipating at least 180 professional automotive lighting attendees and participants: directors, managers, experts, researchers, and technicians.
An exceptional lineup of international guests and speakers from Japan, Europe, America, China, and Korea will participate, representing the global lighting community. Lectures will include presentations from international and especially Japanese experts. The technical sessions will be at a high level, with 21 lectures and one regulation panel session which will cover the Japanese and global regulatory situations with the inimitable participation of GTB President Geoff Draper together with Japanese regulatory experts. Here’s a preview of the docket:
• Introduction opening by Hector Fratty, DVN President
• Keynote by Yuji Yokoya, Koito, Executive Vice-President, R&D director