As you know, the first Shanghai DVN Workshop is coming soon on 23-24 April. Today we reveal the speaker roll glittering with the expertise of 15 top experts from OEMs and Tier 1s worldwide. They will present the cutting-edge technologies developed in their respective companies and share their visions of lighting in context of so much new technology arriving so quickly. This coming workshop continues our unbroken streak of ever-growing participation by our community’s VIPs—General Managers, Lighting Directors, and other senior experts from OEMs and their suppliers:
Six OEM Lectures:
• N. Fujimoto, Nissan (General Manager, Exterior & Interior Engineering)
• W. Huhn, Audi (General Manager, Lighting Vision Systems)
• U.Kostanzer, Mercedes (Senior Manager, Lighting)
• Gert Hildebrand, Qoros (Executive Director Design)
• Guo Yansong, Great Wall
• Zheng Zhijun, Shanghai VW (Senior Manager, Lighting)
Six Tier-1 Lectures:
• Kamislav Fadel, Automotive Lighting (R&D Director)
• Sally Zhou, Xingyu (CEO)
• Jürgen Antonitsch, ZKW (CTO)
• Jinlong Ao, Shanghai Koito (R&D Centre Director)
• T.Lee, Mobis (Senior Research Manager)
• Takashi Sato, Stanley Electric (R&D Chief Engineer)
Four Tier-2, Regulator, University Lectures
• Geoff Draper, GTB (President)
• Michael Flannagan, UMTRI (Research Associate Professor)
• John Peek, Philips BG Automotive (CTO)
• Thomas Reiners, Osram (Senior Director Engineering)
Ten Sponsors
We are most grateful to all ten sponsors and we apologise to those whose offer came too late for us to say Yes.