Editor-in-Chief Hector Fratty, General Editor Daniel Stern, and all the rest of us at Driving Vision News wish you a merry Christmas and send you our friendly wishes for this coming year. This is a fine time for our community of professionals involved in automotive lighting and driver assistance to keep exchanging, communicating and progressing together. Our original and primary main objectives were, are, and shall remain to build an ever-improving space for this type of synergy, to promote innovation and help our industries to face changing and challenging market conditions.
We are convinced that sharing our ideas, doubts, and visions on how to excel in these difficult but passionate and exciting times will bring each and all of us more and better success and confidence—and you may be assured this kind of coöperation will stay the main ambition of Driving Vision News reports and weekly newsletters during this new coming year. We’ve got our sights set on what’s gearing up to be a highly successful US workshop in just a few weeks, building on the strength of 2012’s workshops in Tokyo and America.
Whatever holidays you’re celebrating, and however you’re celebrating them, we at Driving Vision News wish you a joyous season and all prosperity in 2013. Thank you for being with us!
Sincerely yours