The VISION Steering Committee and SIA, “Societe des Ingenieurs de l’Automobile” decided in their last meeting to offer an award for the 3 best lectures, the 2 best demo-cars and the best presentations of new technologies.
The selection of winners was done half by the attendees and half by the steering committee and scientific members of VISION.
The results and the main points of their works are below:
Awards for the best lectures
1) Michael Kleinkes, Hella: 3D Effects – New Possibilities to Signal Lights
In his lecture at the VISION congress, Michael Kleinkes presented different possibilities of 3D lighting systems in signal functions with various light guiding elements with depth-effect, 3D-shapes or integrated into lamps in special arrangements.
In future, signal functions will be designed with innovative, 3D lighting systems and light effects providing a vast creative potential for brand-typical design.
This innovative lighting technology provides space for astonishing and interesting stylings with depth effect. Signal functions show new styling differentiations with amazing depth-effects and also the use of new materials with special night-time appearance.
2) Pierre Albou, Valeo: Matrix beam with Optimized Vertical Distribution
Pierre Albou presentation was on Glare free High Beam with a detailed characterisation of what needs to be done, how this needs to be done and gave an example by Valeo of what could be the solution for a Matrix Beam application.
According to Pierre Albou, the most performing solution is Pixel Lighting, Matrix Beam is the second most performing solution, but as Pixel Lighting requires specific components not fully available today, on short term Matrix Beam may be implemented using only traditional optical elements and existing components.
After having described the different possible known solutions (Direct imaging, Light guide and projector systems) with their benefits and drawbacks, Pierre Albou presented a new solution giving a good approximation of the ideal sub-beam