Anne Guillaume, a professor of physiology and ergonomy, has an interesting and unusual education and research career. After being a medical doctor, she wrote a thesis in biomechanics at the French Army’s research centre. She then completed a Master of Cognitive Science degree and in 2008 she left the Army to join Renault and lead the LAB. She will head the Driver Assistance Systems session at the VISION congress this week.
DVN: So, you are at the head of the LAB. What is the LAB and what are its activities?
Anne Guillaume: In 1969, PSA and Renault created the LAB to do research on road safety. LAB is part of the GIE, “Groupement d’Intérêt Economique Recherches et Etudes PSA – Renault”. The leadership is alternatively assumed by Renault and PSA.
The laboratory is dedicated to road safety and mainly vehicle safety. The two main research domains are biomechanics and accidentology.
With these two important topics, LAB has to:
– make an accurate diagnosis on accident and injury mechanisms
– contribute to the conception of safety systems by providing relevant information to the manufacturers
– assess the safety benefits of technology applications.
– sustain its expertise in order to anticipate safety problems of tomorrow
LAB is interested in all aspects of active, passive, and post-crash safety. 15 people are currently working in the LAB. They are engineers in biomechanics and mathematicians with a great knowledge of Accidentology.
As LAB has been working since the turn of the century on driver behavior,