A second decision was taken: next to the night drives test track, a presentation of 6 cutting-edge technological lighting systems will take place.
The 25 demo-cars represent all the lighting and DA technologies in production and progress today.
– Production cars newly launched BMW, Citroen, Lexus, Peugeot, Opel, Renault, Seat, and Skoda.
– Demo-cars from suppliers Tier 1 AL, Bosch, Continental, Hella, Valeo, and Varroc.
– Demo-cars from suppliers Tier 2 BrightWay, Osram, Philips, and universities, IFSTTAR, Inrets. All cutting-edge technological systems LEDs, Matrix beam, Glare-Free High Beam, and Spot Marking Beam will presented.
Find below the list:
Automotive Lighting : eLight with several light flux
Autoliv : Night Vision
BrightWay : Pedestrian detection
Citroen : DS5 BiXenon DBL, HB Assist
Hella : Glare Free High Beam Vario LED
Livic : “Algorithme de suivi vehicule”
IFSTTAR 1 : Quasper, driverless
Koito : Lexus GS with new LED system