This week, find all the information on the VISION congress coming up soon in the 2 nd week of October. Car makers all want innovations, but they don’t all want the same kinds of innovations. Premium car makers want innovations in technology, performance, and style. General mass-market car makers want innovations to cut costs. Lighting innovations of whatever which type we care to discuss are growing more and more complicated. Lighting (or as we should say: driver vision) systems have special light sources, special optics, special components, purpose-built cameras, various degrees of automation, and all of it is coordinated with software. Wolfgang Huhn gave an excellent overview on the subject with his lecture at the DVN Tokyo workshop last month.
For this reason, the VISION congress will be very important for lighting experts. We will see and learn about the latest innovations—for premium and affordable cars alike. Congress attendees will get to see more than 25 demonstration cars equipped with new technologies, and to hear live lectures from automakers including Audi, Hyundai, Opel, PSA, Renault, Seat, Volkswagen; tier 1 suppliers like AL, Autoliv, Continental, Hella, Koito, Valeo, Visteon; tier 2 suppliers such as Brightway Vision, dSpace, IAV, Nichia, Philips, Osram, Mobileye; and academic bodies including IFSTTAR, Karlsruhe Institute of technology, Rensselaer, Polytechnic Institute, TU Darmstadt.
Indeed, alongside ISAL, the VISION congress is the main meeting of lighting and DA automotive players. See you in Versailles, 9-10 October!
Sincerely yours
DVN Editor in Chief