The Call for Papers for this year’s VISION congress deadline is 6 March . Since the CfP opened three weeks ago, abstracts have been coming in very fast. We expect to receive around 100 abstracts all in all. These will be proposed to the Scientific Committee on 13 March, and 30 papers will be selected for presentation. Please jump in and participate! Send your abstract on lighting or ADAS innovations to the SIA (French Society of Automotive Engineers).
This year’s VISION will be an exceptional congress. Never before have so many new technologies and techniques were under development in these two fields. The congress this year is very specially located in front of the Chateau de Versailles, with a special area to welcome over 400 expected attendees and participants and a grand large area for exhibitions. More than 25 cars are expected, most of them demonstrators together with some new cars unveiled at the Paris Motor Show which will be open at the same time. VISION ’12 will be the event of the year for lighting and ADAS experts.
Topics of special interest in lighting include:
– Status and future development of light sources, mainly Xenon 35/25w, LEDs and OLEDs
– New Lighting and signalling systems
– Simulation and testing
Particular subjects of interest in ADAS include:
– Enhanced visualization of the infrastructure
– E copilot with situation awareness, on board system and cooperative systems
– HMI, Human Machine Interface
– Technology
I personally ask all worldwide experts on lighting and ADAS to present an abstract. Lighting and ADAS technologies and techniques are zooming onward and upward at an unprecedented pace and it is a fantastic opportunity for each and all of you to emphasise the quality of your work during this 2012 VISION congress.
Sincerely yours
DVN General Editor