It is our great privilege to publish DVN Global Editor Daniel Stern’s interview with Marcin Gorzkowski, Chairman of the United Nations’ Working Party on Lighting and Light Signaling (GRE) since 2002.
In this Interview Marcin, who has been working for the Canadian Federal Government in Transport Canada’s Road Safety and Motor Vehicle Regulation Directorate since 1982 as a professional engineer, shares with us his realistic views on the state of the art in lighting technologies, on the purpose of regulations, and on the expected improvements of lighting performances in relation with safety.
Given the importance and size of this Interview, DVN decided to split in into two parts. The first part, published today, is about the limits of harmonisation in automotive lighting when considered worldwide, and specifically when comparing North America with the rest of the world, followed by his conviction on how to improve vehicle lighting and light signalling . This first part ends by Marcin’s comments about which three things in motor vehicle lighting he would wish to change and why.
Next week, DVN will publish the rest of this interview starting by his explanation about why GRE accepted Xenon 25W and what made this particular light source adoption particularly complicated. Then the interview covers more specifically the impact on regulation of the adoption of new lighting technologies, in particular LEDs, as well as Marcin’s opinion on the challenges posed to regulations by the very touchy subject of glare and headlight aiming.
Great thanks to Marcin for sharing with DVN his opinion and thoughts.
I am sure this information will be very useful for the lighting community.
Hector Fratty
DVN General Editor