We are used to working on AEB requirements by Euro NCAP. This has never been much of a topic for the lighting community. Tests include car to pedestrian, car to bicycle, and car to motorcyclist, with maximum speed 60 km/h. ⅔ of the points are obtained by day, and the others by night. The night tests include street lights and low beams. Camera detection isn’t a big issue with street lights helping, and so low beam performance is not crucial.
Only one night test was done without streetlight, but with high beams on, with maximum speed 60 km/h for AEB and 80 km/h for front collision warning and emergency steering support. The detection task doesn’t call for a wide high beam, because the pedestrian is in front of the car. With a normal high beam with a range of 150 metres, you have time to detect and decelerate to avoid a collision.

In terms of lighting, the main difference with FMVSS 127 is pedestrian detection by night (vehicle detection at night is easier because vehicles have their own lights, or at least retro-reflectors). Speeds are similar, but the night scenarios are without any streetlight, and with low beam as well as high beam. And there are crossing scenarios, not just longitudinal pedestrian movement.
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