For this week’s DVNewsletter, I faced an embarrassment of riches; a tough decision to choose which articles to publish and how to arrange them. Here on my desk I have a great deal of pertinent, interesting material from automakers, tier-1 and -2 suppliers, universities, and research institutes. What a pleasure to publish fascinating, worthy content from all over our ecosystem.
Research institutes are doing the job to highlight possible problems and solutions…tier-2s are proposing innovative concepts to simplify the jobs of tier-1s and automakers, with more sustainable solutions…tier-1s are developing lamps with exciting innovations to make them modern and beautiful and polyvalent…and OEMs are taking the risk to innovate, pushed by their stylists and UX designers.
I’ve decided to put on the first spotlight research, with an intriguing piece by Lisa Spellman about LED flicker and its impact on machine vision. Is it a problem? Looks like it is; flicker might well be called the new glare. I thought it was solved by front-camera algorithms; that is what I understood from a CES event 10 years ago. But it seems that is not the case, and the matter is not so simple. Action will have to be taken. Should PWM parameters be constrained as a matter of standardization or regulation? Are there other countermeasures to be taken? It’s an interesting and complex topic; let’s dive in and get to work…together!
Sincerely yours,