When we met with Valeo’s autonomous-driving research and innovation director Benezouz Bradaï at the ADAS & Autonomous Vehicle Technology Expo in Stuttgart, that’s what he told us: lidar is a key technology to make autonomous driving applications work. That’s a stark statement, and if we’re going by real-world results, he’s absolutely right. It’s an idea that sparks deep insights regarding autonomous driving validations and robustness, and in this issue of your DVN-L Newsletter we bring you an interview with Dr. Bradaï, as well as a special report on the Stuttgart expo.
But perhaps lidar won’t necessarily always be the one and only way to do a complete job; in today’s Newsletter, you’ll find coverage on a new technology developed by TriEye and Coherent for weatherproof multispectral 3D ranging as an alternative to lidar. There’s also news about SILC’s new compact and low-cost lidar solution; reports of Tesla trying yet another way of pretending not to need lidar, and several first/last mile projects in the pipeline.
And we’ve hurried to bring you the first details of our Lidar Deep Dive III, coming on 29-30 August in San Francisco. There, we will focus on 360° lidar systems and new lidar technologies such as FMCW.
On the horizon, be sure and save the date for the DVN-L Conference (Europe), 29-30 November in Wiesbaden, Germany.
We’re ever so glad you’re here with us in the DVN-Lidar community. Enjoy this twelfth newsletter!
All best,
Alain Servel