Hella say they will continue to invest consistently in future-oriented automotive topics that follow the major market trends, while at the same time focusing on strict cost and efficiency management. The automotive supplier have now presented this central approach to investors and analysts at this year’s Capital Markets Day in Berlin, while also providing information about further strategic developments.
“Global light vehicle production is unlikely to recover in the short term. On the contrary: In view of the current coronavirus epidemic, a further decline is to be expected”, said Dr. Rolf Breidenbach, Hella president and CEO, at the Capital Market Day. “In the medium term we expect stagnating or slightly growing markets. Thanks to our good strategic orientation, even in this environment we have all the prerequisites to develop significantly better than the market with sales growth of 5% to 10% and profitability of over 8%.
Numerous major orders for the latest lighting technologies and electronic solutions underline the strength and future viability of the Hella business model.
• Hella have recently started series production of 77-GHz radar sensors and high-voltage battery management systems for electric and hybrid vehicles in order to further promote key market trends such as autonomous driving and electrification. “These customer orders illustrate once again that we are already profiting from the transformation of mobility and are occupying key growth areas. We therefore expect to be able to significantly increase sales in these areas in the next few years”, said Dr. Breidenbach.
• Hella are pushing the digitalisation of automotive lighting with the headlamp technology “Digital Light SSL | HD”. The technology is a consistent further development and miniaturisation of existing matrix LED systems. With over 30,000 light points, it makes a wide variety of new safety- and comfort-relevant functionalities possible, such as optical lane assistants or projected protection zones for cyclists and pedestrians. Serial production of SSL | HD technology will start in summer 2022.