Last week we published our 130th DVN Report, and next week’s will be our 555th edition of the weekly Driving Vision News. Think about that for a minute: it’s an average of one DVN Report published each month, and it’s weekly News published each and every single one of the last five hundred and fifty-five weeks, nonstop.
It has not always been easy; there are slow-news weeks when it’s difficult to come up with enough news to give our readers their money’s worth. Nevertheless, we’ve carried on and we’re keeping at it. That part of our mission remains central: a newsletter each and every week, without fail. The DVN database now contains over 6,500 news articles. Some are outdated, of course, but most of them are still very useful. They’re all fully indexed and searchable; just go to and put your keywords in the search box.
The report we published last week on automotive cameras is particularly interesting because cameras are increasingly integral to the vision systems our industry concerns itself with. Of course, we are hard at work on more reports in the pipeline—including a Varroc Lighting profile, a report on this Autumn’s VISION congress and on the Paris Mondial autoshow, and before the end of this year we’ll have published DVN Report № 134, a Volkswagen profile.
We are deeply and humbly thankful to all of you DVN members who have sent in very nice feedback, helpful suggestions, and encouraging congratulations. We are always listening to you in our constant drive to improve!
Sincerely yours
DVN President