An important meeting organized by the GTB was been held last week in Den Haag in Nederland about New Technologies in lighting and to brainstorm on the approach to Stage 2 of the Simplification of Lighting Regulations – See more details in our in-depth article.
We retain two important points, from the very interesting summary made by Geoff Draper, President of GTB (see next):
- the main new technologies in lighting will deal with ADB, with the necesity to identify AV with a specific new light, and with emerging technologies which will open a new generation of road marking signalling lights.
- as far as the approach to the Stage 2 Regulatory Simplification is concerned, we cannot miss this opportunity to make a real difference to global harmonization
We are in a very important year for lighting, for OEMs, as well as for set makers and tier’s 2. Towards where will lighting be going in the next decade? It is primordial to have the answer to this question to enable choosing the corresponding investments in development, production, and human resources.
For this reason, DVN has launched a global Study on the “Impact of a changing Automotive Industry on Exterior Lighting” led by 6 veteran experts in lighting. The results of his study will be made available in May 2017 to all lighting players who want to better identify their success factors and be prepared for the next decade.
If you are interested to know more about its content and availability, please contact us.
Sincerely yours
DVN President