We’ve had many comments following last week’s publication of our latest DVN report, “Tier 2 contribution to automotive lighting innovations”.
This report, the longest of the 46 DVN reports published, is unique because in its third part, you can find a lot of information on 30 Tier 2 companies involved in our lighting industry.
I really consider that it was time to recognise these companies as central players of our lighting industry, providing Tier 1 companies with the appropriate technologies and solutions to answer their needs, whether on light sources or on electronics, material, simulation, mechatronics, components, engineering & design outfits and at the end of the process, test measurements.
I do not forget universities and lab.
All these Tier 2 and organisations proved during our Paris 2011 workshop that they are even more useful today with the increased workload generated by the arrival of LEDs and new lighting technologies.
For all of you who were not at the DVN workshop, you have the opportunity to see most of the participants by clicking this link . Thanks to all who attended and participated—we’ll definitely do this again!
Hector Fratty,
General Editor, Driving Vision News