DVN publishes this week our report about automotive lighting regulations round the world. Our ambition is to show that regulations are not an exclusive matter for specialists but should be addressed as a strategic concern by all of us. This report discusses in detail the two main systems, the ECE and the US, their structure and function, as well as the philosophy behind the various regulatory approaches to lighting, light-signaling devices and functions. Jargon terms are explained with illustrative examples.
The central part of this report is focusing on the recent regulatory decisions concerning operating voltage, interdependent lamps, voltage central gear and automatic switching of the driving beam and adaptive driving beam and LED modules with requirement and measurement issues.
A great deal of philosophy, thought, science, and work goes into the development and configuration of auto lighting regulations; these are channeled from the idea stage to the regulatory stage in different ways which this report describes..
The author analyses and comments on the differences between NA and ECE in regulatory philosophy particularly “production tolerances” and “interpretations” considering new technologies as LEDs, AFS, Low/High beams, and signals. Some important contents of the latest GTB meetings in Arnhem, Warsaw and Turin are also presented..
At the end, the author introduces Asian regulation systems and organisations, specifically Japan, China, Taiwan, and India with the recent changes.
WP 29 Gauvin’s interview and GTB Draper’s messages close this report.
DVN hopes this report will help you keeping well-informed about recent, or soon to be adopted, regulation changes and how they can impact your business.
Sincerely yours
Hector Fratty
DVN General editor