Many of you have read our in-depth reports on Hella, Valeo, and AL-Automotive Lighting. Now we’re excited to present our first detailed study of a major Asian lighting supplier, Koito. This Japanese multinational outfit is a global supplier of front and rear lighting products and considered one of the 5 top exterior lighting suppliers worldwide.
Our Koito report illustrates the company’s motto “Lighting for Your Safety”, showing how Koito are involved in cutting-edge research, development, manufacturing and trade of advanced lighting systems and components such as AFS, Adaptive Front Lighting Systems, and LED front lighting systems.
Detail is provided on Koito’s global footprint, with operations strongly centred in Asia and particularly in Japan, well entrenched in North America with their US subsidiary NAL, but suffering comparative weak sales in Europe. Major OEMs buy from Koito, including most automakers in Japan as well as Ford and GM in North America; Audi, Porsche, PSA, and Renault in Europe, and Japanese transplants worldwide.
Koito SWOT are presented, emphasizing the strength of R&D which should allow the company to continue innovating and to devise higher margin products. Also, the relatively weak market positions in Europe are analysed. The report closes with two interviews with Koito’s R&D Director, Mr. Goto. The first covers Koito’s strength in LEDs, and the second centres on LED cost/performance ratios now and in the future.
We’ve incorporated your suggestions and comments on our previous reports into this newest one, and we hope you’ll take a moment once you’ve read it to offer your views.
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