Driving Vision News announce today December 16, 2008 the release of our detailed report on the relationships between universities and lighting & driver assistance industries.
Because technologies are changing very fast in driver vision systems, because industries are searching to optimize research costs, because technology is an important lever to increase technological image and business, the relationships between universities and automotive vision industries are becoming more and more important.
About 50 universities involved in automotive lighting and DA technologies are presented in all, with 15 universities studied in detail.
For each of them, it is explained:
what the university can offer to vision industries.
what are their specificities.
what is the process of PhD.
Contacts to reach these universities are also provided.
Among these 15 universities, 5 universities are analyzed in extended detail,
Institut d’optique Graduate School, France.
TU Darmstadt, Germany.
University of Applied Sciences Nuremberg, Germany.
Lighting Research Center, USA.
University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute USA.
When an industry needs help to launch a project or to hire people, if an industry needs help for a specific development, this report is an excellent tool to select the university in function of the technology expertise and the country.
We remind you that since last week, it is possible to buy each individual report at the price of €490
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