Denso Corporation will exhibit their intelligent transportation system (ITS) products in the areas of environment, safety and comfort and convenience at the 15th World Congress on ITS, Nov. 17 – 20.
In the area of safety, Denso will showcase an adaptive front-lighting system (AFS) on a cockpit simulator. Denso’s AFS technology uses information from the navigation system to predict curves in the road and redirects the vehicle’s headlamps to illuminate the changes in the road ahead. The company also will exhibit a new thin film transistor (TFT) instrument cluster featuring an integrated night view system that aims to improve a driver’s nighttime visibility and help detect pedestrians or other potential obstacles in the road.
At the World Congress on ITS, related research institutes, companies and governments from across the globe exhibit and present the latest ITS technologies. Since debuts in Paris in 1994, World Congress on ITS has been held each year and rotates its location in the Asia-Pacific region, Europe and the U.S.