Three points summarize the motor show
1) Around one hundred new models and concept cars
2) Proliferation of small cars/electric cars like Toyota IQ, Ford KA, Honda Jazz, Bolloré and many others main of them produced in low cost countries
3) Importance of CO2 reduction
Consumption becomes a strong argument to sell a car. All the premium car displays communicate on CO2 reduction.
Two comments from Driving Vision News
1) More and more headlamps use less room for functional lighting and the projector module is becoming the key lighting component.
Bihalogen could be in the future a critical component to reduce space, improve consumption and reduce price.
2) Rear light is becoming a vector of style differentiation.
Interesting appearances of Volvo XC70 with MicroOptics from Valeo and Peugeot 308 CC with light curtain from Hella. Several cars innovating on rear lamps appearance.
More info in the report published October 16, 2008 at