Light and heavy trucks, vans and buses, parts and accessories.
LEDs 2008, September 29-October 2, 2008 – San Diego, USA
Seminar on LED design and measurement.
MesurExpo, Vision-show, Opto September 30 to October 2, 2008
Show on products involved in electronics and vision – Paris-Nord Villepinte
VISION congress
Main information on last lighting innovations
Night drives with more than 20 demo-cars
AutoCEE 2008 congress
Congress on supply chain and Quality control
Networking = New Contacts = New Business
AutoCEE 2008 is the only conference to offer you such an outstandingly high level of extensive and targeted networking. You will meet with established OEMs in the region, your customer and future customers. OEMs who are in the process of setting up operations near you and OEMs who are currently assessing the supplier base and infrastructure before announcing a move into CEE.
You’ve told us time and time again that one of the key benefits of AutoCEE is the opportunity to network with your peers and clients. Because we know making contacts and meeting your customers is essential for you, AutoCEE 2008 provides you with more networking opportunities than ever before. Make sure you’re here to take part in over 20 hours of networking with OEMs and suppliers including:
Champagne Roundtable Discussions: taking place after presentations at the Ukraine focus day and on Main Conference Day One, this new innovation is designed to give you even more networking time with OEMs and potential partners. With numbers strictly limited to 12 people per discussion, it’s a chance to discuss the day’s topics in an intimate setting as well as guaranteeing you an hour’s conversation with your potential client.
Gala Dinner and Awards Ceremony: make sure you book now to secure your place at the AutoCEE 2008 10th anniversary Gala Dinner and Awards Ceremony. Share a table with your colleagues and customers and benefit from networking in this glamorous atmosphere. This year we’re asking you to nominate for the ‘Lifetime Achievement Award’ so log on to <> to find out more.
You need to ensure you are networking with your clients and prospective clients in this unique atmosphere to ensure continued commercial success into 2009.
Book your place now! Quoting EMSUP
Email: [email protected]
Call +44 20 7368 9465