This corresponds to a return on sales of 4 %. Including one-off effects, the result (EBIT) increased to €232m.
Chairman and President Dr. Jürgen Behrend, who has full overall responsibility for the company, considers this result an important milestone, and announces that Hella are practically debt-free.
In the case of driver assistance systems as well, which are intended to make car driving considerably safer in the next few years, Hella holds a leading position with products such as the side obstacle warning, parking assistance, the adaptive cruise control and the lane tracking assistant.
In relation to this, the interaction of different technologies and products from the fields of electronics and lighting technology represents a great opportunity for Hella.
Hella Increase Sales, Profits in 2007-08
Hella announced on September 10 their preliminary annual result fiscal year 2007-2008 (May 31). Sales grew 7% to €3.9bn. The operating result (EBIT) increased considerably from €46m in the previous year to €144m now.