The project will research and test future interactive traffic services that will become part of vehicle systems within the next five years.
So-called cooperative driving – wherein cars and traffic services communicate with one another – should become a reality in the near future. In addition, the project will also investigate how online-targeted traffic information can improve the safety and smoothness of driving.
As part of the research, Volvo and VTT have developed a new method for monitoring driver status, which adapts the vehicle control system according to the driver, vehicle, and traffic status. The method is based on an assessment of the driver’s eye direction and behavior. Both road safety and driver comfort are increased as the method protects the driver from distractions when traffic conditions require the driver to be particularly alert and focused.
VTT is also developing a new environment detection system to be active when approaching and negotiating road junctions, in collaboration with the European car industry and various research institutes. The system, which will be tested in Germany and Sweden, is based on stereo vision, laser scanning and radar-based techniques. Its purpose is to considerably reduce accidents occurring at intersection areas and to promote smooth traffic flow.