Last August’s DVN Interior Deep Dive in San Francisco was themed Interior Lighting and Beyond, a title which anticipated the deluge of new ideas coming to shore just half a year later. This week we bring you our interview with DesignLED CEO Stuart Bain; read it, and you’ll learn about LED tiles being used as low-resolution displays. It’s a great example of the progressive convergence of LEDs and displays, a topic to be kicked around at the upcoming DVN Interior Workshop in Köln on 23-24 April. Don’t miss it; register here.
We also bring you news of more radical innovation in HMI with eye activation and contactless touch technologies. Sounds like far-flung future fantasy, but both of these are reality now.
This is DVN-I Newsletter № 199, which means that next one will be № 200. We’ll have a special edition, summarizing what were what we think as the main takeaways for automotive interior along the five years we’ve been bringing you the DVN-I News. We enthusiastically welcome your contributions and suggestions, so please speak up: what do you think is the most striking automotive interior innovation between 2019 and now? Send in your thoughts on the matter, won’t you please?
Sincerely yours,