The 28th DVN Workshop will take place as a live, in-person event on the US West Coast, this time, rather than the Detroit area. It’s a chance to facilitate new attendees from the thriving ecosystems in that end of the pool, and a fine change of venue for repeat attendees to present and exhibit to a new audience mix.
It’ll be at the San Francisco Airport Marriott Waterfront Hotel, and the theme is Lighting the Future: Safety, Communication, and Emotions for EVs, AVs, and Trucks. Workshop sessions will be chaired and lectures given by top international experts, and the information exchange DVN Workshops are famous for will help you to orientate your company’s strategic decisions and plot waypoints on your roadmaps.
Presentations and expo booths will highlight the innovations and technologies best able to increase safety in our world. The event will bring together more than 250 participants from all over the world—engineers and experts, decisionmakers and designers, researchers and standards-developers.
Every single DVN Workshop we’ve ever put on—27 of them so far—has been better and better and better than the one before. We’re hard at work to so this next one, our first on the North American West Coast, will be the latest best-ever. Come join in and help us make it so!
FYI, the Tokyo DVN workshop VODs are online!
Once you are logged in, please follow this link to watch the DVN Tokyo Lectures!
Sincerely yours