After the shift of the DVN Paris workshop in 2023, all of us on the DVN team are now focused on two important events of the usual high professional importance, but also of great personal significance to me. I’m particularly excited about the DVN Interior Workshop in Frankfurt on 25-26 April, for it will be the first face-to-face DVN Interior Workshop. And the DVN US Workshop near Detroit, Michigan on 20-21 June is a biggie for me because at the last pre-Covid US Workshop, just before the opening of the second day, I nearly died after slipping on icy pavement. I was three weeks in a Detroit hospital before I was well enough to return home, and then two months recuperating in a French hospital. Whew!
We plan these events to bring the DVN community right to where significant work is being done; to allow automakers to present their achievements and their needs; tier-1s to present their innovations, and tier-2s to show their new products and technologies. That’s how mutually-beneficial connections are established and strengthened in these times of ever-accelerating technological and technical evolution and product cycle compression. Save the dates; participate!
This week’s DVNewsletter contains more detailed information on these important events. I look forward to seeing you!
Sincerely yours,