Session 2 :Driving Monitoring Systems
Chairman : Philippe Aumont
Yole Development, Zine Bouhamri Team Lead Analyst
DMS trends and challenges, a technology and market perspective
Fraunhofer IOSB, Dr. Frederik Diederichs, Automotive Human Factors
Advanced occupant monitoring for the most individualized place in the world
Ansys, Eugen Meier, Senior Manager Application Engineering
Increasing comfort and safety of autonomous vehicles by integrating sensors into the interior design
Elmos, Jatin Taker, Senior Director
Safety and Security aspects for Interior Lighting Semiconductor components used in Sensing Technologies
Elmos, Jatin Taker, Senior Director
Safety and Security aspects for Interior Lighting Semiconductor components used in Sensing Technologies
Melexis, Arthur Duhamel, Application Engineering
DMS & 3D HUDusing Melexis ToF Evaluation Kit
Conclusion of the Day